Here’s where you’ll find the latest information around COVID-19 and what it means for our gym.

Updated: 24 November 2021


What is happening with the gym? 

Solstice will remain closed under Alert Level 3 Step 2, and will re-open when regions shift to ‘Red’ in the COVID-19 Protection Framewor on December 3rd 2021.

Where do I get the latest info about COVID-19? is the first place you should go for official information. Here you’ll find detail on Alert Levels, the latest Government updates, info on the disease itself, how to protect yourself, information for communities and other resources.


What sort of people are at a higher level of risk? 

The Ministry of Health says that if you have an underlying health condition and/or are over 70, you may be at greater risk of COVID-19 becoming a severe illness, if contracted. You can read more here. If you do choose to attend the gym please ensure you follow all Ministry of Health guidelines in addition to our gyms conditions of entry.


What happens if I’ve been to a location of Interest? 

Locations of interest are listed at There you’ll also find instructions on what to do if you have been to one of them.


What do I do if I think I’m getting sick? 

Firstly, if you feel ill at any stage you should stay away from the gym and self-isolate. Follow the health advice at and ring the National Telehealth service on 0800 358 5453.

Alert Level 3

Can gyms open under Level 3, Step 2?  

No, unfortunately not.

Are you doing outdoor exercises at Level 3, Step 2? 

Yes, at Level 3, Step 2 some of our running and outdoor exercise sessions but are limited to 25 people. This number limits include the instructor or trainer. Some Personal Trainers are also taking clients for outdoor training sessions.

COVID-19 Protection Framework


What is the new system? 

The Government has announced a new COVID-19 Protection Framework which will come into effect once 90% of eligible New Zealanders in DHBs are fully vaccinated. It will adopt a 3-level “traffic-light” approach to managing COVID-19 and involve the use of vaccine certificates.

What will the new COVID-19 Protection Framework mean for gyms?

In the Red or Orange settings, gyms that do not request proof of vaccine will not be able to operate. In the Green setting, gyms that do not request proof of vaccine will have capacity restrictions.

Will Solstice require its members to be vaccinated against COVID-19? 

Yes, so we can operate optimally at all levels of the COVID-19 Protection Framework, Solstice will be implementing a vaccination certification entry requirement.  

From the date on which the Government makes digital vaccination certificates available and the COVID-19 Protection Framework goes live in your region (Certificate Date), we will require members to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to entry to our gym.


What if I have an exemption to being vaccinated? 

Once the new COVID-19 Protection Framework is in place we may consider exceptions consistent with Government guidance regarding implementation of vaccination certificates.


What is My Vaccine Pass? 

My Vaccine Pass is the official Ministry of Health system that records your COVID-19 vaccination status. You can read more about it here.


How will Solstice record that I have a My Vaccine Pass? 

Although we are still waiting on details to be announced, the plan is to validate your My Vaccine Pass with us:

In gym: When you come into the gymthe first time that the COVID-19 Protection Framework is in effect in your region, you will need to present your My Vaccine Pass at the entrance or Reception. One of our team will scan your My Vaccine pass and your vaccination status will be entered into Solstice’ membership database (CRM).

We will ask for your permission to keep this information on file, so we only need to collect this information once as opposed to every time you visit the gym.


What information will Solstice hold about My Vaccine Pass? 

The only information we will keep is that we have validated your My Vaccine Pass and its expiry date. Any collection and keeping of vaccination status will be solely for the purpose of implementing this policy and will be held in accordance with our privacy policy.


What does this mean for my membership agreement? 

We will be updating our General Terms (as incorporated into your membership agreement) to include a requirement for members to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to entry to our gym.


What if I don’t want to be vaccinated? 

As vaccination will now be manditory for all staff and members, Solstice will not be able to accomodate your membership request.


Does Solstice support getting vaccinated? 

Yes, we support the Government’s vaccination programme to protect yourself, your whānau and our community. If you’re looking for how to book your vaccination, BookMyVaccine is the place to start.


Does Solstice require its workers to be vaccinated? 

Yes, the Government has mandated that workers at gyms will need to be vaccinated as part of the COVID-19 Protection Framework.


How is Solstice supporting their workers if they want to get vaccinated? 

Where appropriate, we provide flexibility for Solstice workers to get vaccinated during their work day.


Where can I find out facts about the COVID-19 vaccine used in New Zealand? 

There has been much discussion about COVID-19 vaccines, and here is where you can get the facts including vaccine development, safety, effectiveness and approval in New Zealand – and what to do about false and misleading information and scams.



What safety protocols and guidelines does Solstice follow? 

We are following ExerciseNZ’s guidelines on best practice for keeping members safe at all times, which have been developed with both Sport New Zealand and Worksafe using the Ministry of Health’s protocols.


What will Solstice do to keep me safe? 

Everything we can. We will put in place extensive processes and protocols to ensure your safety:

  • Physical distancing of at least 1m (at Red level)
  • Up to 15 minutes between each class
  • Sanitisation stations
  • Further equipment cleaning
  • Deep cleaning regime
  • Mandatory towels
  • Bringing own equipment
  • COVID-19 Conditions of Entry to the gym
  • COVID-19 area-specific signage
  • Our staff will be wearing masks


What hygiene etiquette does everyone have to follow? 

We ask that every member takes responsibility for their personal hygiene and also respects the space of others. That means wearing a mask at all times except when exercising, washing / sanitising hands, covering coughs and sneezes, keeping at least 1m from the nearest person, bringing your own towel and using it, and bringing your own yoga mat / boxing gloves, and not sharing or touching anything that you don’t have to.


Will you be doing extra cleaning? 

Yes, you will see more cleaning taking place during the day and at night we will continue doing our enhanced deep cleans throughout the gym. We will also continue anti-viral fogging and ask that you wipe down equipment before and after use to help us keep equipment clean.


Are there sanitising stations available? 

Yes, these are throughout the gym and at Reception. The Ministry of Health also recommends you wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds.


Do I need to wear a mask in the gym? 

You must wear a mask at all times except when exercising, so when entering the facility, changing and walking between areas and rooms. This follows ExerciseNZ’s protocols based on the Government’s guidelines.


Is it OK if I just use a bandana or scarf or a towel as a face covering? 

No, masks and face coverings that are suitable are either reusable fabric masks or disposable non-medical masks. Here are the Ministry of Health guidelines.


I have a ‘mask exemption’, do I still need to wear a mask when not exercising? 

No, but you will need to present your Mask Exemption Card or letter from your doctor at Reception, prior to entering the gym. We know that some people have a disability or health condition where they may not be able to wear a face mask safely or comfortably. Mask Exemption Cards are issued by the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ (DPA). While at the gym please carry your Mask Exemption Card with you in case you are questioned by concerned members or staff.


What about physical distancing?    

At the Red level, we will be following a distance rule of at least 1m between people in our gym.


Are there Gym Floor limits at the Red level? 

Yes, but only due to physical distancing limits of at least 1m. The Gym Floor is not considered a ‘gathering’ so the same number restrictions do not apply.


What about your staff? 

Our staff have undergone training and will be abiding by all physical distancing, room limitation and other COVID-19 Protection Framework restrictions. You will notice our staff will be wearing masks and at Reception we will have Perspex barriers in place to protect your health and theirs.



Once the gym opens using the COVID-19 Protection Framework, do I need to do anything before coming to the gym? 

Yes, please read these Conditions of Entry and five COVID-19 Health Questions below. After that, by accessing the gym each time you will be accepting the Conditions of Entry.


What are the Conditions of Entry and COVID-19 Health Questions I need to answer to come back to the gym at Level 2? 

The Conditions of Entry are:

  • Stay home if unwell
  • You must have produced evidence that you are fully vaccinated to gain access to our gym
  • You must wear a mask at all times except when exercising
  • Wash or sanitise hands before entering the gymand when moving through different areas
  • Scan your membership tag every time you enter gym
  • Bring and use a sweat towel every time you work out
  • Wipe down equipment before and after use
  • You must abide by any distancing requirements that apply e.g. at least 1m at Red level

COVID-19 Health Questions:

  1. You do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sneezing/runny nose or loss of sense of smell)
  2. You are fully vaccinated against COVID-19
  3. You do not have COVID-19 nor are you awaiting the results from being tested for COVID-19
  4. You have not been in contact with any known or suspected cases of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  5. You have not returned, or been in contact with anyone else who has returned, from overseas in the past 14 days

When you scan your membership tag coming into the gym you’ll be confirming your agreement to these Conditions of Entry and COVID-19 Health Questions. You’ll also be confirming that you will abide by all Health & Safety procedures and protocols.

Please note, the Ministry of Health warns that if you have an underlying health condition and/or are over 70, you may be at greater risk of COVID-19 becoming a severe illness, if contracted. If you do choose to attend the gym please ensure you follow all Ministry of Health guidelines in addition to the gym conditions of entry.


I’ve recovered from COVID-19 – can I came back to the gym? 

If you have been diagnosed as having COVID-19 and have recovered, we will require medical clearance for you as well as evidence of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. You can then return to the gym as long as you follow all COVID-19 processes and protocols including personal hygiene expectations.


Will I still need to bring a towel? 

Yes. No towel = no workout. This will be strictly policed, and you will be asked to leave if you have not brought your towel with you to use during your workout.


What will I need to bring to the gym? 

Please wear a mask and bring your workout towel.


I’m not a member yet – can I start a free trial with you?   

You are welcome to come in for a free trial as long as you agree to the COVID-19 Protection Framework Conditions of Entry (see above) and all processes and protocols we’ve put in place for everyone’s safety. We look forward to seeing you!



Are you providing stretching mats, swiss balls and rollers? 

Yes, these are still available – please clean them before and after use to keep everyone safe.


Will saunas and water fountains be back on? 

Yes, under the COVID-19 Protection Framework these will be back on again.


What about Changing Rooms? 

Here’s the thing – Changing Rooms will be open, but the less you can use them the better. If you can come dressed in your gear all ready to workout it’ll mean that you’ll get in and out of the gym quicker, have less interaction with others, and won’t have to worry about limits in the changing rooms due to physical distancing. Showers at home after your workouts get the big tick! Please respect the space of your fellow gym-goers and be kind.


When is the best time to come to the gym?   

Everyone has different times they can make it in, but you might like to consider coming when it’s less busy.


How will you let people know about the any restrictions? 

Even before you enter the gym you will see COVID-19 signage. Physical distance spacing will be marked out in all studios and there will be floor markings, banners, digi-screens and poster reminders throughout the gym. Sanitisation stations will also be marked. We will also inform you via e-mail, txt notifications, Social media and this website.

Alert Level 2



What safety protocols and guidelines does Solstice follow at Level 2? 

We are following ExerciseNZ’s guidelines on best practice for keeping members safe at all times, which have been developed with both Sport New Zealand and Worksafe using the Ministry of Health’s protocols.


What will Solstice do to keep me safe at Level 2? 

Everything we can. We will put in place extensive processes and protocols to ensure your safety:

  • Physical distancing of 2m
  • At least 15 minutes between each class
  • Sanitisation stations
  • Further equipment cleaning
  • Deep cleaning regime
  • Perspex separators at Reception
  • Water drinking stations will be off
  • Saunas will be closed
  • Wall-mounted and free-standing fans will be off
  • Mandatory towels
  • Bringing own equipment
  • COVID-19 Conditions of Entry to the gym
  • COVID-19 area-specific signage
  • And some of our staff will be wearing masks


What hygiene etiquette does everyone have to follow? 

We ask that every member takes responsibility for their personal hygiene and also respects the space of others. That means wearing a mask at all times except when exercising, washing / sanitising hands, covering coughs and sneezes, keeping 2m from the nearest person, bringing your own towel and using it, and bringing your own filled drink bottle / yoga mat / boxing gloves, and not sharing or touching anything that you don’t have to.


Will you be doing any extra cleaning at Level 2? 

Yes, you will see more cleaning taking place during the day and at night we will continue doing our enhanced deep cleans throughout the gym. We will also continue anti-viral fogging and ask that you wipe down equipment before and after use to help us keep equipment clean.


Are there sanitising stations available? 

Yes, these are throughout the gym and at Reception. The Ministry of Health also recommends you wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds.


Do I need to wear a mask in the gym at Level 2? 

You must wear a mask at all times except when exercising, so when entering the facility, changing and walking between areas and rooms. This follows ExerciseNZ’s protocols based on the Government’s COVID-19 Level 2 guidelines.


Is it OK if I just use a bandana or scarf or a towel as a face covering? 

No, masks and face coverings that are suitable are either reusable fabric masks or disposable non-medical masks. Here are the Ministry of Health guidelines.


I have a ‘mask exemption’, do I still need to wear a mask when not exercising? 

No, but you will need to present your Mask Exemption Card or letter from your doctor at Reception, prior to entering the gym. We know that some people have a disability or health condition where they may not be able to wear a face mask safely or comfortably. Mask Exemption Cards are issued by the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ (DPA). While at the gym please carry your Mask Exemption Card with you in case you are questioned by concerned members or staff.


What about physical distancing?    

At Level 2, we will be following the 2m distance rule in our gym. When it comes to studios for instance, that means you’ll have 4m2 to yourself. This means that in cycle studios there will be reduced spaces available for classes.


Are there limits on class numbers at Level 2? 

The only restriction on class numbers is the 2m physical distancing limit. This may mean that you aren’t able to get into a class that you would have been able to at Level 1. Due to the Level 2 restrictions it will pay to book any bookable classes as early as you can, and to come early to non-bookable classes to secure your spot. The bright side is that it’s also the ideal time to try something new that you haven’t given a go before – like one of our less busy Virtual classes.


Are there Gym Floor limits at Level 2? 

Yes, but only due to physical distancing limits of 2m. The Gym Floor is not considered a ‘gathering’ so the same number restrictions do not apply as they do to a Group Fitness class for instance.


What about your staff? 

Our staff have undergone training and will be abiding by all physical distancing, room limitation and other Level 2 restrictions. You will notice our staff will be wearing masks and at Reception we will have Perspex barriers in place to protect your health and theirs. Please be kind to our team as we all (re-)adapt to this way of working and working out.




Once the gym re-opens at Level 2, do I need to do anything before coming to the gym? 

Yes, please read these Conditions of Entry and four COVID-19 Health Questions below. After that, by accessing the gym each time you will be accepting the Conditions of Entry.


What are the Conditions of Entry and COVID-19 Health Questions I need to answer to come back to the gym at Level 2? 

The Conditions of Entry are:

  • Stay home if unwell
  • You must wear a mask at all times except when exercising
  • Wash or sanitise hands before entering the gym and when moving through different areas
  • Scan your membership tag every time you enter gym
  • Bring and use a sweat towel every time you work out
  • Wipe down equipment before and after use
  • Keep your distance from others in the gym.

COVID-19 Health Questions:

  1. You do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sneezing/runny nose or loss of sense of smell)
  2. You do not have COVID-19 nor are you awaiting the results from being tested for COVID-19
  3. You have not been in contact with any known or suspected cases of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  4. You have not returned, or been in contact with anyone else who has returned, from overseas in the past 14 days

When you scan your membership tag coming into the gym you’ll be confirming your agreement to these Conditions of Entry and COVID-19 Health Questions. You’ll also be confirming that you will abide by all Health & Safety procedures and protocols.

Please note, the Ministry of Health warns that if you have an underlying health condition and/or are over 70, you may be at greater risk of COVID-19 becoming a severe illness, if contracted. If you do choose to attend the gym please ensure you follow all Ministry of Health guidelines in addition to the gym conditions of entry.


I’ve recovered from COVID-19 – can I came back to the gym? 

If you have been diagnosed as having COVID-19 and have recovered, we will require medical clearance for you. You can then return to the gym as long as you follow all COVID-19 processes and protocols including personal hygiene expectations.


Will I still need to bring a towel? 

Yes. No towel = no workout. This will be strictly policed, and you will be asked to leave if you have not brought your towel with you to use during your workout.


What will I need to bring to the gym? 

Please wear a mask and bring a filled water bottle and your workout towel.




Are you providing stretching mats, swiss balls and rollers? 

Yes, these are still available – please clean them before and after use to keep everyone safe.


What about Changing Rooms at Level 2? 

Here’s the thing – Changing Rooms will be open, but the less you can use them at Level 2 the better. If you can come dressed in your gear all ready to workout it’ll mean that you’ll get in and out of the gym quicker, have less interaction with others, and won’t have to worry about limits in the changing rooms due to physical distancing. Showers at home after your workouts get the big tick!. Please respect the space of your fellow gym-goers and be kind.


At Level 2, why aren’t the drinking fountains and saunas and fans available? 

With COVID-19 known to sit on surfaces and transfer through the air, we are following Exercise NZ and Ministry of Health guidelines and being extra cautious with precautionary steps to minimise its potential spread.


When is the best time to come to the gym at Level 2?   

Everyone has different times they can make it in, but you might like to consider coming when it’s less busy.


I’m not a member yet – can I start a free trial during Level 2?   

At Level 2 we’re limited by both class numbers and physical distancing restrictions in the gym. That means that we can’t guarantee that you can start your trial straight away. Do ask though – and if we can’t let you in due to capacity, we’ll make sure we set you up for a free trial when we’re back down to Level 1. Please note that any guests will still need to sign our contact tracing register and agree to our Conditions of Entry and answer the four COVID-19 Health questions.


How will you let people know about the Level 2 restrictions? 

Even before you enter the gym you will see COVID-19 signage. Physical distance spacing will be marked out in all studios and there will be floor markings, banners, digi-screens and poster reminders throughout the gym. Sanitisation stations will also be marked. We will also inform you via e-mail, txt notifications, social media and this website.

Contact Tracing

How will you do contact tracing  if required?  

The gym has COVID-19 QR codes displayed at entry and outside studios for members to scan in using official NZ COVID Tracer app. This scanning is used to assist the Ministry of Health with any contact tracing. Also, we will use your check-in access as well as bookable classes to trace when you have entered the gym. We will know all members who have accessed a gym between cleaning periods or on certain days and be able to trace should it be required by the Ministry of Health.


Do I have to scan COVID-19 QR codes? 

On 22 August 2021 the Government announced that mandatory record keeping is being introduced for busy places and large gatherings to ensure the Government can contact trace quickly. Places where records are already kept and people are already required to sign in, like gyms and some workplaces, won’t need to adjust what they are already doing. We recommend you continue to scan into the gym using the COVID-19 Tracer App, as well as access the gym by swiping your membership tag.